Hash: SHA1

Christian Smith wrote:
> On Tue, 11 Jan 2005, John Richard Moser wrote:
>>Hash: SHA1
>>This is code from a package manager I'm writing based on SQLite.  These
>>two functions open a database, creating it if it doesn't exist.
>>While most of this isn't of general interest, I'd like to point out that
>>I create the database by opening it with open() using O_EXCL and
>>O_CREAT, and then close the file.  After that I call SQLite's
>>sqlite3_open() to open the database.
>>The reason I do this is so that the database can't be raced to create
>>arbitrary writes.  For example, I don't want to call sqlite3_open(),
>>have it find the database doesn't exist, then have a normal user insert
>>a symlink to /etc/fstab, and have sqlite3 "create" the database.
> But /etc/fstab is protected from modification by the operating system
> security system. Under your scheme, someone can simply rm the file after
> your open but before the sqlite3_open, and you'll still have the same
> none problem.

/tmp/ is rwx by anyone
root stats /tmp/tmpdb.root.1072 (pid==1072)
User ln -s /etc/fstab /tmp/tmpdb.root.1072
root creates /tmp/tmpdb.root.1072
fstab erased.

>>It should be reviewed whether this is a general concern (I haven't
>>audited SQLite, so I don't know), and if so, whether a function such as
>>sqlite3_sopen() to "open or securely create" a database should be made.
>>~ This may just be my paranoia.
> No, this is of no concern. You're protected against malicious use by the
> operating system. The only person who can open, say, /etc/fstab is root.
> If the user is root, they can do whatever damage they want already, they
> don't need SQLite to do it for them.

Do you know what a temp file race condition is?  it's roughly 20% of
securuty vulnerabilites based on Ubuntu Linux Security Notices.


The type of logic I'm thinking of is the type indicated in USN 3-1, 5-1,
6-1, 4-1, 13-1, 15-1, 16-1, 24-1, 43-1, 49-1, 51-1


Sometimes SQLite may be used by a root owned process.

> Christian

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