I use eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 with de 3.0.8 Wrapper created
by Rob Groves that you will find in
http://www.codeproject.com/database/CppSQLite.asp and with
de WinCE port http://sqlite-wince.sourceforge.net/ created by
Nuno Lucas.
You will find a manual steb-by-step of install this WinCE port in
my home page: http://www.aaronplanell.com/WinCESQLite.pdf

>Markus Oliver Junginger wrote:
>> D. Richard Hipp wrote:
>>> Not true.  V2.8 stores the first 240 or so bytes of data for
>>> row on a single disk page and the rest on overflow
pages.  ...
>> Thanks for the clarification. So, it seems V3.x is the right
>> for embedded software, too, and we will migrate to V3.x in
the long term.
>> Regards,
>> Markus
>Please, what kind of application developent do you use me to
develop in
>pocketpc and sqlite 3.0??
>Thanks in advance.

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