
What do you mean with "Multithreaded" or "Mulithreaded-DLL" project? Can you explain exactly where you can select between these two options, and whether you are using Visual Studio 6 or 2002/2003?

Sorry for being not "precise" enough - english isn't my native language so it's sometimes "hard" to express something in english what is in my mind in german ;-)

In the meantime I've read several manual pages and I guess the right way is to compile/link the library as a multithreaded DLL-project.

DLL's are using the MSVCRT.DLL Run-Time Library and other projects (.EXE or .LIB) are using LIBC.DLL. And it's a bad idea to mix them ;-)

So... I assume I should compile/link my static SQLite-Library as a "DLL-Project" and add link the resulting .lib file to my DLL-Project.

Thank you all so far,

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