Il giorno 22 gen 2005, alle 18:16, Ulrik Petersen ha scritto:

As you can see, sqlite3_bind_text is used for all columns. You would have to write some ad-hoc code inside the loop that checked whether the value in azCol[i] was "null" or "NULL", and then used sqlite3_bind_null if that was the case, instead of sqlite3_bind_text.

Ok, I guess I'll have to live without having an auto-increment field or find a way to fill it in the csv file with explicit values... my C skills are almost null so I don't even attempt to do that.
Or I could write a simple script to generate INSERTs from csv files and keep the field. I'll play with it.

Thank you

Daniele -- Daniele Nicolucci (Jollino) Photo portfolio: Sarà anche vero che vivere sulla Terra è caro, ma il prezzo include un viaggio gratis intorno al Sole ogni anno.

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