> Alex Chudnovsky said:
> > I am using ADO .NET wrapper
> > (http://sourceforge.net/projects/adodotnetsqlite/) and I am not sure
> > if I can just "drop in" new .DLL -- the wrapper was not updated for a
> > while now :(

FWIW, there is active discussion going on the forums.  I remember discussion
when the wrapper changed to allow "dropping in" the SQLite dll.  He did that
specifically so he wouldn't have to rebuild the wrapper when SQLite changed,
aside from major functionality changes.

> I feel moderately bad about that, because I have recommended that
> particular wrapper in the past.  To be honest, I'm not a giant fan of
> ADO.NET. It seems to have taken us away from the database-independent that
> we got with ADO and given us a differnt object to use for each different
> database we connect to.

The use of the provider specific objects might have that effect, but one can
use the more generic ODBC and OLEDB provider objects if one wishes to do so.
The specific ones are just optimized (one hopes!) for the particular DB.
Since they all implement the same interface, I've taken to just coding for
the interface in my program, and choosing which underlying object to use at
run time based on what I'm connecting to.

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