Let me clarify then.  100% of our customer want web based.  With .NET and SQL 
server we can throw in our data adapter and be off to the races.  We don't have 
to worry about future scalability.  With Sqlite, you dont' receive a trusty 
data provider.  Good ones exist, but all of this extra work boils down to time 
cost.  As well, what if you want to move the database to another machien to 
distribute workload.  

Well, our bug tracking system Swatter we did use Sqlite but we had to write the 
thead syncronization layer.  In fact, it is a .nET application that runs across 
a web service or a sockets layer, to a sqlite database eventually.  Our sql 
server version does not require any special coding like sqlite.   So after 250k 
lines of code in our bug tracking system, we have a picture painted.  The 
sqlite version is what we use, not the sql server but we deal with the 
corporate requirments as well like this fellow is up against.

Does SQLite have a distributed API now.  This means a client that talks 
efficient binary across a network to a server that eventually syncronizes into 
database work?  Did I miss something.  I thought this thing was only a binary 
that you have to do everything else on top of.


----- Original message -----
From: "cirisme" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 1/31/2005 12:24:23 PM
Subject: Re: RE(1): [sqlite] SQLite Advocacy

> >>Their are still sa couple extra features missing from this db that
> would make it a true contender for business software.<<
> Too general of a comment.  If the business software requires a
> distributed database, SQLite fits the bill.  If the business software
> requires a central database, SQL Server is probably more suited.
> It just depends on the exact nature of the requirements.

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