Clark Christensen wrote:

 I've been agonizing over the best way to store date/time values in my
 databases (perl will be the app platform).

 So, my question is, true or false:, if I want to use SQLite's
 date/time functions against field values, my only real option is to
 store YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS time strings. Any other value, whether
 YYYYMMDD, julian day number, MM/DD/YYYY, etc. (with or without the
 time portion), would leave me with having to do all format
 conversions in my app code.

Take a closer look at the unixepoch time. This is the same representation that Perl uses, so you can either use sqlites built in functions to parse and format dates to unixepoch numbers, or if you need a bit more power, use Perls fuctions such as Date::Parse to parse the date to the correct value to be store in the database etc.


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