Luc Vandal said:
> The database is stored in the [User]\Local Settings\Application Data\
> folder
> for the current user.

In that case it's worth looking at the folder and the file and making sure
that both have write permission for the user in question.  This isn't
terribly easy to do if your users are remote, but if you have a copy in
house that is misbehaving you should be able to get at it.  Just remember
to clear the Simple Sharing option so that you can see the full
permissions and ACL for files and folders.

Try installing it on a machine in house as an administrator and then
running it as an unprivileged or restricted user.  It still sounds like
some of the deployment issues that I've run into.  They're no fun at all,
especially since you get to look foolish in front of your customers.

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