On 23 Feb 2005 at 18:36, Nathan Kurz wrote:

> But maybe I'm not really understanding the advantages of the in-memory
> database.  Is it in some way inherently faster on lookups than just
> setting SQLite to use a really large cache?

Well the way I think of it is the if you don't need to keep the data 
for longer than the existance of the program in memory, you could use 
SQLite In-Memory 

If you want to persist the data beyond a single running of the 
application, you store it on Disk

I don't really feel that a large cache and in-memory SQLite are 
really ment to be interchangable uses of the program, I feel they are 
kinda ment to do different things (Large cache=speed up disk access, 
In-memory=fast DB access but we don't want to keep the data)

I certainly wouldn't use an in-memory SQLite DB if I was trying to 
speed up access of a Disk bound DB, lots of reading and writing there 
for little gain IMHO

That's just what I thought when I saw it in the docs though :) Sure 
there is lots of fun stuff you could do if you had the memory 

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