On Fri, Feb 25, 2005 at 07:59:01AM -0500, Brass Tilde wrote :
> > CREATE TABLE All_Chr_CxCb_atleast1 (
> >                                         LOCUSLINK       TEXT,
> >                                         GO,             BLOB,
> >                                         CAA             INTEGER,
> You've got an extra comma here after the "GO" field.  That makes the parser
> think your trying to create field named GO, followed by one named BLOB, then
> one named CAA.  Remove the comma.
> That should have been obvious if you'd attempted to select something from
> the table with headers turned on in the command line utility.

        Thank you so much, and sorry for sending this stupid
question. Sometimes things ar just too obvious to be seen (in french,
we say they are "on one's nose"). In fact, as the table was empty, I
did not know how to start the troubleshooting. I tried to dump the
table, but sqlite keeps the exact formatting of the sql instruction :

sqlite> .dump
CREATE TABLE All_Chr_CxCb_atleast1 ( 
                                        TCID            TEXT,
                                        STRAND          TEXT,
                                        CHROMOSOME      TEXT,
                                        START_POS       INTEGER,
                                        STOP_POS        INTEGER,
                                        REPRESENT_POS   INTEGER,
                                        TKID            INTEGER,
                                        REPRESENT       TEXT,
                                        SYMBOL1         TEXT,
                                        SYMBOL2         TEXT,
                                        LOCUSLINK       TEXT,
                                        GO,             BLOB,
                                        CAA             INTEGER,
                                        CAC             INTEGER,

Maybe something to change in the future ?

Thanks once again,


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