I use column names. I have created a wrapper around sqlite3 (and other SQL engines) in a developmeny environment I have written to enable the programmer (or user for that matter) to access an SQL result set using an object where the property names are the column names.

However - having duplicate column names (without aliasing them), or using an unqualified "*" when querying a select statement with more than one table in it is really bad practice - and I do not think the ANSI standard specifies how that should be dealt with so I do not think sqlite CAN do it "wrong" in that case.


D. Richard Hipp wrote:
On Mon, 2005-02-28 at 11:12 +0200, Cariotoglou Mike wrote:

I understand that this "column names" issue is becoming a pain for the
sqlite authors, but OTOH, it is very important for wrapper authors...

Why?  Why does anybody care what the column names in the result
are?  What are the column names used for other than to print a
header at the top of a table for human-readable output?

Remember that not all wrappers are done by third parties.
I ship the TCL wrapper with SQLite and for some reason I
have never felt the need to turn on long_names or short_names.
The default column names, whatever they might be, have
generally been acceptable.

So what is the difference?  What are all these other
wrappers doing that requires specific column names formats?

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