After 15 years of assembler programming, I am still to find a compiler that
makes debugging and optimizing as easy as assembler.
I can't remember the number of times that C has got me deep into memory

Then give C++ a try.

If you need low level programming, C is a good compromise.
If you need high level programming, C is a good compromise.
If you don't care about performance and need an idiot proof programming
language, try Java or perl.
Obviously C has a place but the day Java performs as well as C, who would
one to deal with all of those "shot your own foot" issues.

Java provides its own ways of shooting yourself in the foot. See the "finally" kludge for example.
http://www.velocityvector.com/ | http://glmiller.blogspot.com/
http://www.classic-games.com/ |
"We have declared a fierce war on this evil principle of
democracy and those who follow this wrong ideology,"
-- Abu Musab al-Zarqawi

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