> Regarding: ...  As an example the ethernet card you're probably using
> right
> now. 
>   ... they detect the collision, wait a short period, and retry. 
> For those using Unix/Linux, would this provide the queuing needed for
> those
> apps with numerous parallel writes?
>       http://sqlrelay.sourceforge.net/sqlrelay/

The technique isn't specific to operating systems, or even computers.
It's a queueing method humans usually use when trying to obtain
services that are only intermittantly available. If you have larger
requirements than just "I need to get this written as soon as possible"
it may or may not work. Are your parallel writes in any way related
or have to be performed in any specific order? If not it works fine.
It might have the drawback that some processes can lock the database
for long periods. The wait time for a write for other processes
might be long.

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