> > > There is code in SQLite that has to deal with the general
> > > case of tables with millions or billions of columns.  That
> > > code can be simplified (and made faster) if we know that
> > > the maximum number of columns is some reasonable limit,
> > > such as 2000.
> > 
> > Oh. Go for it! The concensus seems to be 1820 is more than
> > enough. If anyone uses even a significant fraction of that we have
> > list members who will assault them with book bludgeons!
> Might I suggest "Databases For Dummies."  Much more relevant and
> significantly heavier.

I have significantly failed in my assault aliteration!
I should have said "members who will commit book bludgeon battery".
Or maybe some default disuasion by dashing them with "Databases for

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