On Fri, 18 Mar 2005, Lothar [unknown-8bit] Märkle wrote:

sqlite3_exec(db, "BEGIN EXCLUSIVE TRANSACTION", NULL, NULL, error);
sqlite3_exec(db, "COMMIT", NULL, NULL, error);

i think you have to use sqlite3_close to be shure all data is written. then copy.

Also are you sure it is completely safe to replace a read only
database while reads are currently being done?

I'm using this with cdb, which is a read-only constant-dbm like thingy with put and get only(cr.yp.to/cdb.html)

on unix, this is save for read only one shot processes reading file a
and one updating process.
fd = open( a.tmp)
print( fd, "some new stuff")
close( fd )
rename( a.tmp, a)

no process reading file a will see a broken file and no locking is used,
because rename is atomic as long you stay in the same filesystem.

this is not always true - on nfs for example. the only atomic ops on nfs are mkdir and symlink.

If you have only readers, i see no reason why an app using sqlite should
break. But the readers have to reopen the db.

well - on nfs it will break...


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