Yeah! I've missed the default option. But is this SQL standard?

And it does not seem to work for me at all. I still can't differ empty and NULL;

create table deftest (k integer primary key,
                     i integer default 'NULL',
                     s char default 'NULL');

sqlite> insert into deftest (i, s) values (NULL,'');
sqlite> select * from deftest;

So we are able to create empty values and NULL by an INSERT. Why shouldn't we a simple way to get it back by an SELECT too?
AlthoughTcl itself has no NULL value it would be nice to define a string that is given back by sqlite itself in cases where NULL values exist.

I am still hoping there is something usable and/or configurable like

PRAGMA null_string='NULL';


PRAGMA null_string='NAN';

which can be set before executing a select statement.


Kurt Welgehausen wrote:

Is there a way to change the NULL representation ... ?

No. Tcl has no null value. Usually this is not a problem, but if you really need to distinguish between a missing value and an empty string, you can use default values.

sqlite> create table deftest (k integer primary key,
...> i integer default '?',
...> s char default '??');
sqlite> insert into deftest (i) values (11);
sqlite> insert into deftest (i, s) values (22, '');
sqlite> select * from deftest;
k i s ---------- ---------- ----------
1 11 ?? 2 22


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