On Sat, 2005-03-26 at 10:29 -0500, Jason Jobe wrote:
>       // to find people whose great-grandfather's name is Fred
> Well, this is probably correct sql but hopefully you get the idea. So
> part of the question is:
>       1. How efficient is this?

Not at all. It doesn't work. If you meant:

select p1.* from person as p1, person as p2, person as p3
where p3.name='Fred' and
p3.parent_rowid = p2.rowid and p2.parent_rowid = p1.rowid;

then it's still not very good- as fast as three integer lookups and one
string lookup. An index would help that string lookup. More so if it
could be unique.

>       2. Is there an ordering that would make it much more efficient?


>       3. Would it be better to write the custom function "related-to" to use
> its own index?

Not likely.

>       4. Can a custom function leverage the sqlite data structures is some
> low level ways to gain efficiency?

Sort of.

SQL doesn't have trees. It looks like you're willing to commit to the
cost of maintaining transitive closure of graphs, but I don't believe
you have to. See:

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