Eugene Wee wrote:


Just a guess here, but wouldnt the idea then be to (manually) compile each source file, then link the object files with your own?

That idea would -mostly- work, and I would hope that I have enough mental capacity to drop out the tcl bindings, dll-specific functions and the sqlite3 command line utility functions. I was just hoping that there was a Makefile somewhere that would simplify the task for me.

I'd like to propose a question to the list in general. I've noticed when running with the Windows DLL that some queries aren't returning the expected results. In particular I'm having trouble with this query:

SELECT * FROM author WHERE name=:name AND password=:password

On UNIX, with the SQlite3 command line client on Windows, and with SQLite3Explorer I always get the expected one record (since my schema indicates that this combination of parameters will be unique). Unfortunately when I use a client based on the Windows DLL I get an empty result set. :password is always bound to a printable version of the md5 hash of the password, and I've checked to make sure that this hash is exactly matching the hash as stored in the database, since a problem with the Windows implementation of the hash was my first suspect.

Has anybody else experienced problems like this? Part of my interest in composing a static library is that I suspect that it will be a better match for my build system (gcc 3.4), which might reduce some problems.

Clay Dowling

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