liigo wrote:

Thanks, but why not sqlite add a password to the database file?

As has been mentioned previously, if you send Dr. Hipp money you can get a version that is protected by a password. It seems like an equitable trade, with everybody happy in the end. Since that has been mentioned before, it does not ride well with me that you keep asking for this without paying. If your data is valuable enough to be worth somebody's time to steal, I think it should be valuable enough for you to protect it properly.

If your files are on a multi-user system the right solution is to use proper permissions to prevent unauthorized people from reading your file. Even if it were encrypted this is a really good idea, because if they can read the file they can copy it off to some other location to decrypt at their leisure.

You sound like you're thinking about this like a client-server system, where each user accessing it needs to provide a password to prove their identity. It isn't client-server. It's a library that happens to be able to read and write a relational database file. A client program that asks for a password, or even a library that requires one, won't be sufficient. It would be a trivial matter to modify the library source to bypass asking for the password. Encryption of the file is the only solution, and that can be purchased.

Clay Dowling

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