This sounds like bad RAM, a wild pointer, or a stack overflow.
If it's one of those sorts of problems changing the code in any
fashion moves things and the problem goes away/changes. An ICE
or good debugger can usually find it. I've also seen a debugger
than can run code backwards so you can back up after the problem

--- Chris Schirlinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We have been using SQLite3 for a while now without issues. We are 
> running a EXE calling a DLL (Which calls a DLL which eventually uses 
> the SQLite functions)
> These two DLL's are both written in Delphi - in Windows (with a 
> delphi wrapper that runs the SQLite DLL)
> This code has worked fine under fairly nasty conditions for a LONG 
> time.
> Recently we tried to tie in with a third party program that calls one
> of our DLL's (which access the SQLite3 DB and returns a data set)
> [Note: We eventually started a fresh project for this DLL, so there 
> was less of a chance legacy code was the issue]
> We don't control the EXE that calls our DLL, basically we export a 
> couple of functions determined by the third party. The EXE that calls
> our DLL is written in C++
> Now the issue is, randomly, but ALWAYS within a few dozen calls, the 
> function sqlite3_step access violates.The first 10 calls 
> (sqlite3_prepare -> sqlite3_step -> sqlite3_finalise basically) work 
> fine, then maybe the 11th sqlite3_step AV's
> It can be the first, or the 40th but is guarenteed.
> We tried using sqlite3_get_table and it does the same thing, same 
> sort of AV
> We tore out any SQLite3 code but kept every other line of code, 
> returning some made up garbage data. The code worked fine without any
> SQlite3 calls, it seems entirely located in sqlite3_step or any call 
> that uses it...
> Now having used SQLite3 for a while, I'm not convinced the issue is 
> in the SQLite3 dll, but maybe the pointer populated by 
> sqlite3_prepare is being trashed by one of the various parties... 
> Has anyone had issues like this before? Or any ideas as to what we 
> can try next?

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