On Apr 15, 2005, at 7:03 PM, Brian Swetland wrote:

[Austin Gilbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
Not to discourage you from rolling your own, but what about CppSQLite??

Well, it seems a little windows-centric

It looks windows-centric at a glance due to the demo code provided, but I'm actually only using it on Linux and Mac OS X at the moment.

and a little big for my
needs.  I already have code that works and I'm happy with.  Just
trying to be sure I'm doing the right thing as far as data ownership
and lifetime goes.

On Apr 14, 2005, at 11:21 AM, Brian Swetland wrote:

I'm wrapping sqlite3 with a lightweight little C++ API to allow me to
use it more easily from C++ code and I have a couple questions about
the lifespan of data passed into and received from the sqlite3 API:

1. Will the const char* returned by sqlite3_column_name() persist
  until the statement is finalized, or are there situations under
  which sqlite could free it before then?

2. Will SQLITE_STATIC data bound to text or blob parameters (using
  the sqlite3_bind_text/blob() functions) ever be touched by sqlite
  outside of calls to sqlite3_step()?

3. Is my belief that text or blob data returned by
  sqlite3_column_text/blob() does not need to be free()'d and is
  only valid until the next sqlite3_step/reset/finalize() on that
  statement correct?

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