> I've got one application that writes to the database, and one that reads
> from it.  When a table in the database has changed, the reading
> application needs to know that.  Of course I can send a signal from the

You may be able to use sqlite_schema:

(From the FAQ)

(17) What is an SQLITE_SCHEMA error, and why am I getting one?

    In version 3 of SQLite, an SQLITE_SCHEMA error is returned when a
prepared SQL statement is no longer valid and cannot be executed. When
this occurs, the statement must be recompiled from SQL using the
sqlite3_prepare() API. In SQLite 3, an SQLITE_SCHEMA error can only
occur when using the
sqlite3_prepare()/sqlite3_step()/sqlite3_finalize() API to execute
SQL, not when using the sqlite3_exec(). This was not the case in
version 2.

    The most common reason for a prepared statement to become invalid
is that the schema of the database was modified after the SQL was
prepared (possibly by another process). The other reasons this can
happen are:

        * A database was DETACHed.
        * A user-function definition was deleted or changed.
        * A collation sequence definition was deleted or changed.
        * The authorization function was changed. 

    In all cases, the solution is to recompile the statement from SQL
and attempt to execute it again. Because a prepared statement can be
invalidated by another process changing the database schema, all code
that uses the sqlite3_prepare()/sqlite3_step()/sqlite3_finalize() API
should be prepared to handle SQLITE_SCHEMA errors. An example of one
approach to this follows:

    int rc;
    sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
    char zSql[] = "SELECT .....";

    do {
      /* Compile the statement from SQL. Assume success. */
      sqlite3_prepare(pDb, zSql, -1, &pStmt, 0);

      while( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
        /* Do something with the row of available data */

      /* Finalize the statement. If an SQLITE_SCHEMA error has
      ** occured, then the above call to sqlite3_step() will have
      ** returned SQLITE_ERROR. sqlite3_finalize() will return
      ** SQLITE_SCHEMA. In this case the loop will execute again.
      rc = sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
    } while( rc==SQLITE_SCHEMA );

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