I am consistantly getting a memory fault in sqlite both through the tclsqlite 
shared library and the sqlite3 executable when I try to create a table. I have 
tried both sqlite 3.2.1 and 2.8.16. The TCL Versions tried are 8.4.6 and 8.4.9.

I have had success on 32bit HPUX 11.11 but when porting to 64 bit we started 
receiving these errors.

I will note that both TCL and SQLite where compiled with a 64 bit gcc compiler.

When I traced this down, it seems that the code blows up on the following line 
in printf.c ->
 *(--bufpt) = cset[longvalue%base];
longvalue is defined as 
  UINT64_TYPE longvalue;     /* Value for integer types */

and in this case, longvalue is 0. When I change the do .. while loop  to a 
while (longvalue > 0) .. it gets past this problem but then I get the error 
"SQL logic error or missing database" further on down. 

If I set -DVDBE_PROFILE=1 at compile time, I get the message "unknown opcode". 

The code that I perform to reproduce in tcl is:
load /opt/centadm/builds/sqlite/bld/.libs/libtclsqlite3.sl
sqlite db :memory:
db eval "create table t1 (a,b);"

And at the sqlite prompt:
create table t1 (a,b);

Please let me know any other debugging output that would be helpful.

Here is output from vdbe_profile.out:

     0          0        0    0 Goto             0   52
     0          0        0    1 ReadCookie       0    1
     0          0        0    2 If               0    7
     0          0        0    3 Integer          1    0
     0          0        0    4 SetCookie        0    1
     0          0        0    5 Integer          1    0
     0          0        0    6 SetCookie        0    4
     0          0        0    7 CreateTable      0    0
     0          0        0    8 Integer          0    0
     0          0        0    9 OpenWrite        0    1
     0          0        0   10 SetNumColumns    0    5
     0          0        0   11 NewRecno         0    0
     0          0        0   12 Dup              0    0
     0          0        0   13 String8          0    0
     0          0        0   14 PutIntKey        0    0
     0          0        0   15 Close            0    0
     0          0        0   16 Pull             1    0
     0          0        0   17 Close            0    0
     0          0        0   18 Dup              0    0
     0          0        0   19 MemStore         0    1
     0          0        0   20 Dup              1    0
     0          0        0   21 MemStore         1    1
     0          0        0   22 Integer          0    0
     0          0        0   23 OpenRead         0    1 # sqlite_master
     0          0        0   24 SetNumColumns    0    5
     0          0        0   25 MemLoad          1    0
     0          0        0   26 MustBeInt        1   30
     0          0        0   27 NotExists        0   30 pk
     0          0        0   28 Recno            0    0
     0          0        0   29 ListWrite        0    0
     0          0        0   30 Close            0    0
     0          0        0   31 Integer          0    0
     0          0        0   32 OpenWrite        0    1
     0          0        0   33 SetNumColumns    0    5
     0          0        0   34 ListRewind       0    0
     0          0        0   35 ListRead         0   46
     0          0        0   36 Dup              0    0
     0          0        0   37 NotExists        0   35
     0          0        0   38 String8          0    0 table
     0          0        0   39 String8          0    0 t1
     0          0        0   40 String8          0    0 t1
     0          0        0   41 MemLoad          0    0
     0          0        0   42 String8          0    0 CREATE TABLE t1 (a,b)
     0          0        0   43 MakeRecord       5    0 tttit
     0          0        0   43 MakeRecord       5    0 tttit
     0          0        0   44 PutIntKey        0    0
     0          0        0   45 Goto             0   35
     0          0        0   46 ListReset        0    0
     0          0        0   47 Close            0    0
     0          0        0   48 Integer          1    0
     0          0        0   49 SetCookie        0    0
     0          0        0   50 ParseSchema      0    0 tbl_name='t1'
     0          0        0   51 Halt             0    0
     0          0        0   52 Transaction      0    1
     0          0        0   53 VerifyCookie     0    0
     0          0        0   54 Goto             0    1
     0          0        0   55 Noop             0    0

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