> In this shared directory I have the files:
> libsqlite.a,
> libsqlite.lai,
> libsqlite.so.0.8.6,
> sqlite,
> teste (my program)
> I think my problem is with the library "libsqlite.so.0" that 
> I don't have and I don't find it ....

   As I believe an earlier poster pointed out, all you need to do is
symlink libsqlite.so.0.8.6 to libsqlite.so.0 by doing:

   ln -s libsqlite.so.0.8.6 libsqlite.so.0

   If you look in your /lib or /usr/lib directories you'll see that most
shared libs are named libXXX.so.Major.Minor.Revision and then symlinks
are used to make files named libXXX.so.Major.Minor and libXXX.so.Major
available.  In this way, you can have different versions of a library
installed and available but still have programs that look only for
libXXX.so.Major function correctly.


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