On 5/5/05, Dong Xuezhang-A19583 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I understand that I got to encrypt and decrypt it, but what happened for the 
> indexed column? If I have a collate column at Chinese PINYIN, after you 
> encrypt it, the sorting method will be broken, so is there any encrypt 
> algorithm donot loose sorting sequence? Or collate and encrypt need to have 
> some logic to tight together.

Only a commerical package that I know about by the author of sqlite.
It might be a lot simpler to just purchase that version:

3.0 Encrypted Databases

An enhanced version of SQLite is available (for both versions 2.8 and
3.1) that encrypts its database files to help prevent unauthorized
access or modification. The entire database file is encrypted2. To an
outside observer, the database file appears to contain white noise.
There is nothing2 that identifies the file as an SQLite database. The
RC4 algorithm is used to encrypt each page of the database separately
using keys of up to 256 bytes in length. A random nonce is added to
each page to guard against a chosen plaintext attack.

The encrypted database enhancements for SQLite are available in
source-code form for a one-time licensing fee of $2000 (US). A
technical support contract is also recommended but is not required.
There are no per-copy royalties. The one-time fee entitles the
licensee to free copies of all future updates to the code. Call
704.948.4565 or write to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for additional information.


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