This is related to a posting and also bug report (ticket 1230, I since closed) 
from last week.

First: HPUX 11.11 64bit rp4440 server, 6 CPUs, 8 gig of RAM, tcl 8.4.9, sqlite 

I was having problems inserting into a :memory: database using tclsqlite last 
First I create a table, then start doing inserts.

At about record 2400, I was getting a "Bus error(coredump)".

Then I added 
PRAGMA page_size = 8192
into my code prior to creating my table. This allowed me to get past the 24xx 
row problem.

I've seen dhr mention that the page size can go up to 32k, so for kicks set it 
up that high and reran. The process stopped responding and at the same time the 
machine went down. I am not 100% certain that it was my process, but the timing 
was right. 

I looked in the src and found that unless I compile it with the 
-DSQLITE_MAX_PAGE_SIZE=x flag that it will not allow me to go above 8192 
regarless of what I set using PRAGMA.

Here are my questions:
1. Why would one want to override the default page size (it's not completely 
clear to me though I know it helped me get past my first problem)? I have read 
the docs and still don't really understand what the purpose is.

2. Why did my process crash at row 24xx when I didn't override the default?

3. What should happen if I try to set it above the Max default of 8192?


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