I have a view

CREATE VIEW flat_recording_view as select r.recording_id, c.composer_name,
w.title, r.description, l.label_name, d.catalog_no from composer c join work
w on (c.composer_id=w.composer_id) join recording r on (w.work_id=r.work_id)
join disc d on (r.disc_id=d.disc_id) join label l on (l.label_id=d.label_id);

and I want to use this for queries like:

select * from flat_recording_view where composer_name like 'haydn%';

This has always worked fine with sqlite 2.8, but with the sqlite3 that comes
with Tiger (/usr/lib/libsqlite3.0.8.6.dylib and sqlite utility 3.1.3) I get:

SQL error: no such column: composer_name

Aliasing the column names in the view using the 'as' syntax didn't help.

Any other info that I could supply that might help here?

Dave Cook

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