
I am having a problem with the memory usage of SQLite, when using from Tcl.
Could you tell me if any of you has had similar problems?

The problem is that, when I send a query that uses a Tcl-defined SQL
function to the database, it starts allocating memory that is not freed
afterwards, until I close the Tcl interpreter. After a number of queries,
the paging file grows over 600MB, and Windows complains that it has run out
of virtual memory.

The configuration of my system is:
- P4 3GHz, 768MB RAM
- Windows XP Professional, SP1
- ActiveState ActiveTcl 8.4.7
- SQLite 3.2.1 (tclsqlite)

I attach a simple script that reproduces the problem in my system. It
creates a simple database with one table storing pairs (index, text string).
I define also a function in the database using the Tcl function command.
Insertions run without problem. When I send a SELECT query that uses the Tcl
- if the string legth is up to 91, everything goes all right
- if it is 92 or greater, the program begins to consume all the memory

I haven't looked at the SQLite sources, but my guess is that maybe memory
used to pass arguments to the Tcl function is allocated in blocks, and then
only the first block is freed. Do you think that this can be the problem?

Please, tell me if someone has had this kind of problem before. And, any
idea of how to solve it?

Thanks a lot.

Miguel Muñoz

Well, here goes the script:


# Source file and call:
# where
#   MODE = function | nofunction
# examples:
# test function 91 300000       ---> ok
# test function 92 300000       ---> memory leak
# test nofunction 92 300000     ---> ok

# My problem occurs when STRING_LENGTH > 91.
# I've tried with a number of records between 100,000 and 1,000,000.
# Memory leak starts when the SQL query is launched.

package require sqlite3

proc test { mode strlen max } {

  set template
  #             0       10        20        30        40        50        60
70        80        90       100       110       120

  set eventmsg [string range $template 0 [expr {$strlen - 1}]]

  # create database
  catch { file delete sqlite-example.db }
  sqlite3 db1 sqlite-example.db
  db1 eval { CREATE TABLE t1(serial int, edata text) }

  # create SQL function
  db1 function checklen { check-length }

  # insert
  db1 eval { BEGIN }
  set serial 1
  for { set i 0 } { $i < $max } { incr i } {
    db1 eval {INSERT INTO t1 VALUES($serial,$eventmsg)}
    incr serial
  db1 eval { COMMIT }

  # send query
  switch $mode {
    nofunction {
      db1 eval { SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE length(edata) > 1000 LIMIT 1 } \
                 found { puts "Found $found(serial): [string range
$found(edata) 0 30]" }
    function {
      db1 eval { SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE checklen(edata,1000) LIMIT 1 } \
                 found { puts "Found $found(serial): [string range
$found(edata) 0 30]" }
    default {
      puts "Error: mode must be 'function' or 'nofunction'."

  # close
  db1 close


proc check-length { event len } {
  return [expr {[string length $event] > $len}]

proc check-db {} {
  sqlite3 db1 sqlite-example.db
  set last [db1 eval {SELECT count(*) FROM t1}]
  db1 eval { SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE serial <= 10 ORDER BY serial } {
    puts "$serial: [string range $edata 0 50] . . ."
  puts " . . . "
  db1 eval { SELECT * FROM t1 \
             WHERE (serial > $last - 10) AND (serial <= $last) \
             ORDER BY serial } {
    puts "$serial: [string range $edata 0 50] . . ."
  db1 close

# END of the script

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