
comments inline:

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "D. Richard Hipp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2005 8:54 PM
Subject: Re: [sqlite] license to hack: pager in shmem

> On Fri, 2005-06-17 at 20:16 -0400, Paul G wrote:
> > i'd like to hack sqlite3 to use shared memory for the page cache.
> >
> A more useful hack, perhaps, would be to change the pager to use
> memmap() (when available) instead of read() and write().  This

i'm going to assume you meant mmap() ;] indeed, i've already looked at doing
this (and have the beginnings of an implementation) but was put off by the
intrusiveness of the change.

> The downside:  You'll need to change the pager API around some, which
> means changes to the BTree layer.  The current pager allocates some
> extra memory immediately before and after the data page.  And it tracks
> each page using just a pointer to the data - since it can always find
> the header and tailer using pointer arithmetic.  That won't work with
> memmap().  You'd have to relocate this extra stuff into a separate
> allocation which you then track separately.

right. when i looked at it, it just didn't seem like it would be all that
time-efficient (wrt implementation work) to decouple the page header and
EXTRA from the page itself.

> Also, you'll have to take
> out an exclusive lock on the database before making any changes to the
> data buffers in memory, not just before calling write() as in the
> current
> solution.  That will cut your currency some because it means taking an
> exclusive lock much earlier in the write process.

personally, i don't specifically care, since my usage pattern will be
heavily trended towards reads (if i do any writes at all). however, this is
indeed a valid concern. i'm sure something can be thought up here if there's
user demand, but i don't think it makes sense to deal with this from the
start (premature optimization and all that).

> A new pager API that works for memmap() would also continue to work
> for the old read()/write() method.  So presumably you could create
> a new pragma that lets the programmer decide at run-time which method
> to use.  Use memmap() for faster reads and less memory usage or
> use read/write for better concurrency.

i was actually going to do something like ":mmap:/path/to/db", in keeping
with the :memory: feature, since this whole excercise started with me trying
to determine whether i can tweak the :memory: implementation to do what i

i might put in some work on this, although it's a bit more work than i'd
hoped (shm would have been faster afair). will this patch, assuming it looks
decent and works (for a reasonable threshold of 'works'), be accepted into
trunk? it's a bit too much to do just for myself, but assuming others would
benefit as well, i might be up for it.


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