
I was about to ask about allocating zero bytes, when I noticed this old
question about the same thing...

So, basically, is there a reason why sqlite3Malloc(n) & co should even
try to allocate zero bytes, instead of just returning NULL if n==0? Does
a pointer pointing to zero bytes of memory have any use anyway?

Mikio Kishi wrote:

> Hi,
> Now, I'm developing some applications with "sqlite-3.0.8",
> and also using "electric fence" which is a memory debugger.
> (http://www.pf-lug.de/projekte/haya/efence.php)
> With the developed applications running, efectric fence detects a
> memory error. To be more specific, malloc(0) may be invoked in
> "sqlite3_exec()" function.
> By default, electric fence detects malloc(0) as a memory error...
> (EF_ALLOW_MALLOC_0 is true)
> legacy.c (sqlite3_exec)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> 71:    azCols = sqliteMalloc(2*nCol*sizeof(const char *));
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> The above code is that (nCol may be 0).
> The result of malloc(0) is generally undefined.
> (http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/functions/malloc.html)
> Are there any reason to invoke malloc(0) ?
> Sincerely,
> Mikio Kishi.

Lauri Nurmi
Ksenos DVR Development

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