On Jun 30, 2005, at 7:21 AM, Ajay wrote:

Yaa that's what I wanted to do , So what do you think what could be the
solution for this ?

well, as others have suggested, there is no solution for it. Or, at least no solution that you should bother with. The purpose of the database is not to store the data in some particular view (order, collation, grouping, etc.) that you might want to view it later in. That is the reason the db provides methods to generate the views the way you want them. The only imposition is that the db might sort them internally by the PK, but that is also irrelevant -- the PK may not always be numerical (as in the case of a GUID), hence, you could get any old thing.

In short, don't bother trying to insert the data in a particular order, because that is not what the db is designed for. Once you have the data in the db, then use the power of the db to morph the data into whatever views your heart desires.

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve O'Hara [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 5:28 PM
To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
Subject: RE: [sqlite] Insert all rows from old table into new table but in
sorted order

I might be wrong, but if you don't specify a sort column, you will get the
rows out in PRIMARY KEY order, irrespective of how you loaded the data.
Therefore, you will need to do something a little more interesting with your
loading statement to perhaps exclude the primary key and let the insert
re-generate them.

Just a thought.


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:sqlite-users-return-6291-sohara=pivotal- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
rg]On Behalf Of Paul Smith
Sent: 30 June 2005 12:23
To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Insert all rows from old table into new table but
in sorted order

I can insert all rows of existing table into new table having same columns
using query :

Insert into NEWTABLE select * from OLDTABLE

But I want all rows of NEWTABLE sorted by field No,

So I used query

Insert into NEWTABLE select * from OLDTABLE order by no desc

But it is not giving me sorted output as new table?

Can you tell me where I am wrong ???

You can't do that.

The 'Insert' may (I'm not sure..) insert the data into 'NEWTABLE' in the "right order" , but then, when you do an unordered query on 'NEWTABLE', the results are returned in an undefined order - not necessarily in the order
they were inserted into the table

You should do the sorting when you read 'NEWTABLE'

So, instead of

Insert into NEWTABLE select * from OLDTABLE order by no desc
select * from NEWTABLE


Insert into NEWTABLE select * from OLDTABLE
select * from NEWTABLE order by no desc

Paul                            VPOP3 - Internet Email Server/Gateway
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      http://www.pscs.co.uk/

Puneet Kishor

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