On Sun, Jul 03, 2005 at 02:14:45PM -0400, Andrew Athan wrote:
> >>I'm investigating embedded databases for an upcoming project, and I came
> >>upon this thought:  Wouldn't an SQLite pager that uses
> >>Sleepycat/BerkleyDB be quite interesting?

Maybe you could clarify a bit more what you are proposing.  Your
subject line says "BerkeleyDB Pager", but in the text you ask about
using the SQLite pager with a BerkeleyDB (backend?).  Which one would
be grafted on to which one, and what might be benefit be?

> Basically I am thinking that some of BerkleyDB's locking granularity and 
> distribution/replication/etc. features might be interesting within the 
> context of SQLite -- and conversely, it would provide an SQL compliant 
> interface to what is otherwise a "B-Tree" style database.

I'm guessing this means you are proposing to write a parallel to
SQLite's btree.c that acts as a wrapper for the BerkeleyDB functions.
If so, I would find this idea interesting, not so much for the
specifics of BerkeleyDB, but as I've been thinking about how to
backend SQLite to some other custom btree implementations.

> Clay Dowling writes:
> >It would be of fairly limited value for a lot of us however.  For projects
> >which don't release source code Sleepycat is rather expensive.  Speaking
> >as a program it has also not been my favorite database for administration
> >issues.
> >
> Are we talking about the same sleepycat?  BerkleyDB (Sleepycat) is open 
> source, available here:  http://www.sleepycat.com/products/db.shtml

I think Clay's point here is that while SQLite can be redistributed in
closed source systems, BerkeleyDB cannot be unless one buys a license:



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