
Before I go diving into the SQLite source code, can anyone tell me what happens to unused space? (i.e. from deleted data in the db)

Specifically, I'm interested in whether it gets over-written by zeroes, or something. I'm storing information in a database (in a blob field), which the user can then decide to encrypt, and then the plaintext blob is set to NULL, and the ciphertext blob (i.e. a different column) is set to contain the encrypted data.

So what I'm asking is, in this scenario, is it possible that sometimes I could load the sqlite db into a hex editor, and see the original unencrypted data? (i.e. the old deleted data from the plaintext blob)

If so, a workaround is obviously to set the original blob data to contain a block of zeroes (of the same length), and *then* set it to NULL. But then it's also within the realms of possibility (not wishing to criticise anyone's code; only guessing) that SQLite might reallocate a block for the blob even if it's the same length as the old data, in which case my cunning plan wouldn't work either.

So in summary, when I delete a blob, I want it to stay deleted, even from prying eyes with a hex editor - what's the best way to do this in the SQLite model?

NB. To pre-empt various invigorating arguments, I know about the various 'encrypt the whole db' solutions that are available, but I don't need them; I have my own encryption framework. I just want to know how to *really* delete data from the DB (without calling VACUUM after every update).


PS. Couldn't see anything obvious about this in the docs from a quick search, but if anyone has a link that explains all this, then apologies, and let me at it! :)

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