Hi all,

I am new in the world sqlite.
I was on the site and I looked at how to make to begin thanks to the link "quick start".
I thus compiled the sources of sqlite 3.2.2.
I have to create a data base test.db.
I have to create a table "personne" and I added data there.

I have write the small program given in "quick start", I had to add
much source files given with sqlite 3.2.2 so that the program is
compiled completely.

When I launch the program with XCode, I receives an error: SQL error:
No such table: personne
I gave like parameters: test.db "select * from personne"

When I launch the program with the Terminal, if I write:
./quickStart test.db "select * from personne", all occurs well, I
receives the data contained in the table "personne". But if I write
./quickStart test "select * from personne", therefore I the extention in
the name of the data base does not put, I receives the same error as
for XCode: SQL error: No such table: personne

Why the program doesn't go with XCode whereas I give him the
good parameters as with the Terminal?

Thank you in advance,

Denis Lurkin.

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