----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Andrew Piskorski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <sqlite-users@sqlite.org>
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2005 1:27 PM
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Multi-threading.

> On Fri, Jul 15, 2005 at 01:04:50PM -0400, Paul G wrote:
> > the issue wasn't necessarily the thread implementation per se, but the
> > that threads were treated as processes for scheduling purposes and hence
> > scheduled with the regular process scheduler, which was not efficient
for a
> > large number of processes. these problems went away when ingo molnar's
> > scheduler was adopted (not sure when it was merged into linus' 2.4, but
> Interesting.  Then that may explain why I never heard any first hand
> reports of notable Linux threading problems.  The people I tended to
> talk to were probably all running with well under 100 threads per
> process, and only 2 or 3 such processes at most.  Presumably even the
> earlier lousy process scheduler could handle that ok.

all depends on what these threads were doing and the activation pattern - a
bunch of compute intensive, fixed work slice threads in a constant pool are
a completely different animal to, say, threads handling network and disk i/o
with variable workload in dynamically growing/shrinking thread pools.

another notable issue was the so-called 'thundering herd' problem -
processes (traditional or threads)  waiting on an event being *all* woken up
when the event comes in. this would happen on accept(), for example, and the
scheduler would thrash. windows had an elegant solution for this (since at
least nt5) in completion ports. linux 2.6 has epoll, which has been
backported to 2.4 and available in distro kernels at least for quite some

we're getting a bit too off-topic here. in short, multi-threading and event
driven models are equivalent (this has been demonstrated formally) for ideal
implementations of both. the trouble is, if w're talking c, that while there
are many good event driven model implementations, threads invariably suck.
they are more intuitive from a comprehension standpoint, but the devil is in
the details, namely concurrency/locking issues. for bonus points, use both
at the same time and watch your brain (and debugger) melt. practically
speaking, threads are non-trivial to do right in non-trivial applications
without higher-level primitives, cf. erlang and various actor-based

richard's advice is solid. use async io/event loops if possible, separate
processes if possible, threads as a last resort, in that order. the grey
area is the 'if possible' test, since it's a multi-way tradeoff between
performance, simplicity and provable (to an extent) correctness. i fully
expect that a lot of folks *do* need to use threads and the probability of
that being the case on windows is much higher than on posixish platforms.


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