Dennis and Tim-
I was about to use MySQL because I was too stupid to figure this out!

        -----Original Message----- 
        From: Tim McDaniel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: Mon 7/18/2005 1:48 PM 
        Subject: RE: [sqlite] Newbie Help Please

        > -----Original Message-----
        > From: Dennis Cote [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
        > Sent: Monday, July 18, 2005 11:55 AM
        > To:
        > Subject: Re: [sqlite] Newbie Help Please
        > Wood, Lee wrote:
        > >I tried to do the quick-start example and I could not get it
        > to work. It is not explicit enough for some like me. First
        > off, the quickstart doesn't specify that you need to include
        > the source (just the external interface header). But since it
        > does not come with a *.lib I tried to include the source
        > files and I get a bunch of unresolved external dependencies
        > (can't find some function definitions). I even removed the
        > tcl*.c files and still got the errors. I'm compiling in
        > Visual C++ 7.1.
        > >
        > >Also, I tried to build with the *.dll but the *.dll file
        > doesn't come with a header for it or static *.lib to link
        > against. If I use the *.dll do I have to fn* every function I
        > wish to use?
        > >
        > > 
        > >
        > Lee,
        > You need to use the LIB command line utility that comes with
        > VC++ to generate an sqlite3.lib file which will let you use
        > the sqlite3.dll library. You need to feed the sqlite3.def
        > file into the LIB utility and it will generate an sqlite3.lib
        > which you can link with your project.
        > The following command is used in the Makefile.
        >   lib /machine:i386 /def:sqlite3.def
        > HTH
        > Dennis Cote
        This might help...
        I created a Wiki page with a VS.NET 2003 Solution to compile SQLite.

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