> I have do many tests. It appears that the results of requests
> each time are received in the same order. This order is that of
> creation of the table. If I have make a CREATE TABLE X (int, char,
> int, char), I receive the results of my request SQL in the good order:
> int, char, int, char. However I made only a "select *". I did not
> specify the name of the even put columns nor a "order by". Thus I have
> the impression that I will always receive the results in the order of
> creation of the table when I make a "select *".
> Can I in being sure? If it is possible, I would like several
> opinions on the question.

Just because it works today doesn't mean it will work tomorrow.
If a new version of sqlite is produced that works differently your
code will be broken.
If the database table schema is changed by a user your code will be broken.
The only way you are guaranteed it will work is by using an order by clause and
explicitly calling out the columns..

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