I'm not understanding what's the problem here. I always get the column names
even on empty result sets (so I can show them in a grid header).

I confess I haven't been using the latest sqlite versions to be sure it
is still returned, but isn't this what you want?

My guess is that maybe you are using the callback API, that need
"PRAGMA empty_result_callbacks = 1" to return the columns on empty result
sets, but I haven't used that API for a long time.

~Nuno Lucas

[25-07-2005 9:08, Edwin Knoppert escreveu]
I might be mistaken but you should never expect row-0 for data.
What i meant is that the fieldnames are present when there is data.
And not when there is no data.
In either case, row-0 should never be threated as data row.
So one can not expect data in there.

The point is when there is data, SQLite returns the fieldnames from a (joined) query.
For what reason it should not return the names when there was no data?
(And not having an error of course)

I'm pretty certain this is only a technical matter, not a logical one.

schema table?
I'm not familiar with that, i don't think it is realted to fields from join-ed queries.

This question has not much to do with my earlier post, i know how to obtain the fields properly.

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