On 2005-07-25 at 10:58:04 [+0200], David Fowler 
> Thanks Charlie, thats exactly how I should be doing it. I would imagine
> there are some performance benefits from doing it this way too. Now I've
> just got to make it work for my select that involves six not two tables!
> Looks like I'll be getting my thick SQL book out for a while.

SQL in a Nutshell is pretty good.

There shouldn't be any performance benefits if the engine is working 
properly but it is emminently more readable. You may well hit problems with 
your SELECT * approach with names colliding, especially when you start 
adding UNIONs. It is always advisable to use explicit relational variable 
names (columns).

Charlie Clark
Communications Manager
yellowTAB GmbH
Tel: +49-211-600-3657

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