all the wrapper ar for 2.8 and i wan't use the 3.0
anyone known 3.0 wrapper ?

Steve O'Hara a écrit :

Don't want to dampen your enthusiasm for this route but..... why do you
think there are so many VB wrappers for SQLite?

It's because you can't use the SQLite DLL directly from VB - some functions
will work but the essential ones won't.  It's because the DLL returns things
like pointers to arrays of pointers which is not very groovy in VB (in fact,
you would have to resort to some OS calls to unravel that).

Use one of the wrappers.


-----Original Message-----
rg]On Behalf Of Gregory Letellier
Sent: 27 July 2005 11:17
Subject: Re: AW: [sqlite] VB6 question

Ok Thank's for your help i will trying this !!!



unfortunately this has to do with the C calling convention used by
sqlite3.dll. By default DLLs compiled with C have the cdecl calling
convention, but VB only supports the stdcall calling convention.
You must recompile sqlite using MS Visual C++ or other compiler and switch
the default calling convention from cdecl to stdcall in the compiler/linker

hello i'm trying to open a database with VB6 without wrapper

i'm using sqlite3.dll

and it's my code :

Option Explicit
Private Declare Function sqlite3_open Lib "sqlite3.dll" (ByVal filename
As String, ByRef dbHandle As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function sqlite3_open16 Lib "sqlite3.dll" (ByVal
filename As String, ByRef dbHandle As Long) As Long
Private Declare Sub sqlite3_close Lib "sqlite3.dll" (ByVal DB_Handle As

Private Sub Form_Load()
 Dim lRet As Long
 Dim lDbHandle As Long
 Dim sFilename As String

 sFilename = "c:\toto.db"
 sqlite3_open sFilename, lDbHandle
 MsgBox ("lRet=" & lRet)
 MsgBox ("ldbhandle=" & lDbHandle)
 sqlite3_close (lDbHandle)
End Sub

when i launch it, i've an error 49 : Bad DLL calling convention

anyone can help me ? where is my fault ?

Gregory Letellier

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