Mrs. Brisby wrote:

On Fri, 2005-07-29 at 16:22 -0600, K. Haley wrote:
Mrs. Brisby wrote:

Now, if you're feeling like you're on a high horse, go ahead: point out
a single common platform where threads are the necessity.

Here's some hints:

* it's not windows
* it's not unix
* it's not java (closures)
* it's not lisp (closures)
* it's not forth (coroutines)
* it's not macos (see unix)
* it's not gtk+ (closures/event pump)

Argh...  gtk+ uses threads on windows.  The g_io_channel async api is
implemented this way.  This is done because windows has no async file io
api.  There may be other places/platforms where glib/gtk+ uses threads.

Err, windows most certainly does have Async API.

Win9X doesn't support the API async file operations.
WinNT/2K/XP does support it.

Regarding threads:

Threads complicate things. People think they "understand threads" long
before they actually do. Goto complicates things. People think they
"understand goto" long before they actually do.

That's a completely normal property of human nature. You should get used to it.
This behavior is not limited to the issue of using thread or goto.
It applies to everything that needs some skill.
Most people just don't know what they can do or can't do until they fail.
Even if they fail they think they succeeded.
To make things worse, once you taught someone to know better, then someone else 
will take his/her place.

Just my 0.2 euros regarding threads. ;)


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