On Wed, 2005-08-03 at 10:34 +0200, djm wrote:
> Hello,
> Wednesday, August 3, 2005, 4:41:24 AM, you wrote:
> > No, none of those things are guaranteed. If there's even a single
> > writer it can be unsafe (consider AFS putting a corrupt journal up
> > that clients notice download, and thrash their local copy).
> But Im saying there -wont- be a single writer (except the rare update
> process on the server, during which all other clients wont be
> reading), and the question is it it always safe then?

The answer is "sometimes not". Sometimes, it's even "often not".

It really depends on your situation. It depends on what networked
filesystem you're using, and what operating system you're using.

In the case of UNIX and AFS- if you have all clients turned off - or you
do it during AFS replication, then yes.

> > Okay. that's what's important. That update procedure is completely
> > unsafe UNLESS you can guarantee that the sqlite database will be
> > overwritten atomically. Most operating systems don't have such an
> > operation- the closest thing being rename().
> And this is presumably only important if another client is reading the
> file while its being updated. If no client is reading the file on the
> server during update (and none are writing anyways), then the os and
> the filesystem should be irrelevant, right?

It depends on what you mean by "no client is reading."
If you really mean the machines are turned off [and have no cache to
upload], then maybe.

If you mean that AND you're doing the update "on the server" (instead of
by using another node/client/workstation) then the answer is "probably".

> > If you're willing to do that, why not download the database
> > periodically? Why not store the database via HTTP or otherwise check
> > the mtime of it, and download it anew if the size/mtime doesn't
> > match?
> > This'll be a lot safer AND provides a mechanism by which corrupt
> > databases can otherwise be transparently updated.
> Downloading a copy of the database is indeed is indeed a good
> suggestion, but it doesnt change my original question.
> In my opinion system time stamps etc are not a reliable means of
> comparing 2 files. Many things can change the timestamp of a file,
> without changing the contents, and one (server) os/filesystem can
> report a different file size to another (local) for the same file
> (contents). As I said already, I think having a version number
> embedded in the databse itself is much more relible.

Wrong. The sqlite database is binary. Any size check is going to be in
8-bit bytes and will always be the same- except for platforms that
SQLite doesn't run on- any comparison with a system that doesn't have
8-bit bytes will have to be aware of that fact.

Changing the timestamp COULD be enough to have clients interrogate it-
for example, perform some rsync operations on the file, or check in a
prearranged place for a generation number.

Either store the version/generation number in a separate file or hack
the database to store it in the header. IIRC there are a few unused
bytes there.

Your OS might have other freshness checks (unix, for example, can use
inodes if you always rename()), but even if they don't, there are other

* Encoding the generation number/version into the filename
* Update some EA (attribute)
* Update the file's mtime to some value THAT IT WASN'T before (by
recording all used mtimes)

You still haven't said what platform you're developing for.

> So the question is still is it always safe if 2 clients are
> simultaneously reading this version info from the database (or for
> that matter, but its not sqlite specific, if 2 clients are
> accessing/running the executable file) ?

The answer is still one of "usually", "probably" or "maybe".

By using the methods I suggest the answer is "yes".

> > you said "I need to access a database on the network (x), [how do I]
> > do this safely (y)".
>  I didnt. Youre rephrasing my post, to suit your means, and I think
>  the point is degenerating in the process. And as I said already I
>  wasnt trying to be rude, and Im sorry if it seemed so. But if you
>  insist on interpreting it as such I suppose I cant stop you.

I'm showing you how I read your original post. Is this critically
different than what you're saying? If so, how?

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