
How many records contain your table? Your select command scans all the table entries and I guess that the database uses the standard index. try the following command to tell the db which index it should use:

select distinct date from mytable where yearmonth = '200508' order by date

Another possibility for this slowness is may be your database memory and temp store usage configuration. the standard memory configuration of release 2.8.16 is very slow, I had some performance problems until I had changed the memory usage configuration. I use the following configuration:

PRAGMA cache_size = 6000
PRAGMA default_synchronous = OFF
PRAGMA synchronous = OFF
PRAGMA default_temp_store = MEMORY
PRAGMA temp_store = MEMORY
PRAGMA show_datatypes = OFF

good luk

Tom Deblauwe wrote:


I'm using SQLite 2.8.16, on an embedded system, and I have a question.
I have a database with one table, containing all my records.  Each has a
field 'yearmonth' which contains for example '200508', and also a field
'date', which indicates the day of that month.  I want now to make an
overview of a month and see which days contain a record.  I've created a
combined index on 'yearmonth' and 'date'.  My query to do this is:
'select distinct date from mytable where yearmonth = 200508;'  This
takes about 50 seconds, which is really slow to show my users(it is
displayed on a webpage).

I noticed that this takes a long time, because I guess almost all
records are checked.  My other idea was to do 31 queries(one for every
day), like this: 'select ID from mytable where yearmonth = 200508 and
date = 1 limit 1;'.  This second method does not give me anymore speed

for example:

 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | ...
             ^   ^   ^   ^

the days marked with '^' contain records.  To check with the second
method for example day 7, it takes 2.6 seconds.  Day 4 takes less, and
from day 3 and lower, it is reacting immediately(like 40 ms).  Day 8 and
higher takes about 1 second each.

When I do a random query om my database with select, and want to return
10 results for example, it takes 2.8 seconds.  So getting 1 result, or
getting 10 results only differs about 0.2 seconds.  Is there anything I
can do so things go faster?  Maybe I should maintain a separate table
with the monthoverview, but if it is possible to do some other solution
it would be nicer ;-).

Thanks for your time,
kind regards,

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