D. Richard Hipp wrote:

Version 3.2.3 of SQLite is now available on the website

In addition to fixing a lot of minor bugs, this release
adds a number of important new enhancements.  Most of
the enhancements are centered around the much-improved
query optimizer, but there are some unrelated additions.

 * CAST operators are now supported.
 * The order of tables in a join is adjusted automatically
   as needed to make better use of indices.
 * Some OR-connected terms in the WHERE clause can now
   make use of indices.
 * BETWEEN operators in the WHERE clause are able to use
 * A new pragma "case_sensitive_like" turns case sensitivity
   for the LIKE operator on and off.
 * The GLOB operator can use indices if its right-hand side
   consists of text followed by a wildcard.  The LIKE operator
   does this too if case sensitivity is turned on.
 * There is a new ANALYZE command that gather statistics on
   indices and helps the optimizer make a better choice when
   it needs to choose between two or more indices.

As always, please let me know if you find any problems.
Hi D. Richard

thank you for the great work.

I used to use 3.0.8 and upgraded to this current release. It seems that with this release some sql statements get broken. the broken sql statements (selects) simply don't return any value, where they should. I would make an example, if I find a reproducable case.


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