On Tue, 2005-08-23 at 17:36 +0200, Steven Van Ingelgem wrote:
> Hi, 
> I just redid the speedtest.tcl-script in PHP 
> (http://www.karels0ft.be/tmp/speed_script.html).
> Can  anyone check why the SQLite3's are so slow compared to SQLite2's ?

Aha!  Probably you are using an older test script that tries
to run of synchronous using

   PRAGMA default_synchronous=OFF;

The "default_synchronous" pragma was dropped form SQLite 3
because it was considered too dangerous.  There was too much
risk of data loss and database corruption after a power
failure.  Thus the synchronous behavior is never being
disabled in your tests and you are reporting synchronous
times in the "no-sync" column.

Another thing to note is that SQLite3 has

   PRAGMA synchronous=FULL

by default whereas version 2 had synchronous=ON by default.
FULL is a little slower to commit, but it is also safer in
the face of power failures.  In spite of this handicap,
SQLite version 3 still manages to be faster than version 2
in many tests.
D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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