On 8/26/05, Cam Crews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi.  I'm new to sqlite and would like to use the sqlite C++ API to
> return multiple rows from a SELECT statement.  I'm able to load a
> single row's result into a struct & pass it back by reference through
> the callback, but haven't been able to find any resources recommending
> a method for returning *multiple* results (rows).  Anyone know if
> there are sample code/suggestions for getting this to work?  I've thus
> far seen only rudementry examples of printing results to stdout from
> the callback.
> If these resources aren't already out there, I'll consider writing a
> tutorial on performing this using a vector of structs...  thanks,

If you're using c++ you probably don't want to use the callback
for retrieving results. It's difficult to reference members of an
instantiated class from a callback. use sqlite_step().
I used stl vectors to store my results.

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