On 8/29/05, Aaron Burghardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm trying to efficiently display a large table to users. I have a
> test database with 2.7M records that is 1.6 GB in size (though over
> half of that is 6 indexes). My best idea so far has been to display
> one "page" of the database at time, where a page is some arbitrary
> number (20K for now). I'm using the LIMIT clause to get a particular
> page of results. Some sample query results are below:

Uh, not to be nasty, but this isn't a good idea. Nobody can read a list of
2.7 million entries. Implement a search and show them the results. It's
easier for you, and for them. If you have to do this, then limit is the 
correct method.

In general, my programming rule of thumb is: "If it's really difficult, 
you're probably doing it the wrong way"

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