Clark Christensen wrote:

Using Sqlite v3.2.5 on both Linux, and Windows, I'm having
some difficulty reconciling unixepoch seconds with other
tools.  Consider this:

select strftime('%s', '2005-08-30 15:19:00');

returns 1125415140
This is the UTC time (sort of the same as GMT I think). You probably want to use the localtime modifier here, e.g

select strftime('%s', '2005-08-30 15:19:00' , 'localtime');

If I take that resulting value and feed it to localtime()
in Perl, either under Windows or Linux, the resulting
date/time value is "2005-08-30 08:19:00"

The same thing happens using a JavaScript Date object:
It's similar with other date strings, but the difference in
the hours isn't always the same.
Daylight savings or whatever you local equivalent is to British Summer Time ??


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