> On Oct 29, 2016, at 11:34 AM, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:
> Really ?  An interactive program (or any program) gets a result code it wan't 
> expecting and you don't want it to shut down ?

Really. Apps aren’t supposed to crash. How would you feel if Photoshop or Word 
or Logic crashed and lost your work because it ran into some error trying to 
save? An application may abort if it hits an assertion failure, i.e. a logic 
error in the program itself; but errors from system APIs, especially I/O, must 
be recoverable. The error alert might advise the user to quit ASAP, but it has 
to be up to the user, so that they can somehow save/export/copy their work.

(I worked at Apple for 16 years, and I definitely remember some high-priority 
bugs involving failure conditions like this. Back in the olden days an 
especially nasty one was running out of memory trying to save. Users’ computers 
tended to have only a few megabytes of RAM and there was no virtual memory. 
Disk-full errors were not uncommon either, especially when trying to save to a 

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