I'd like to copy a database that may or may not be in use. Doing a 
filesystem copy will not ensure a stable copy. Can I use the sqlite3 CLI and 
some SQL to do this such that I can wrap it up into a script or do I need to 
write my own program, that gets a lock and re-creates the DB in a new file? 
I'd like to avoid dumping the database and importing it into a new. My DB is 
400M and growing so I'd like to avoid dumping such a large amount of data. 
What I'd like is a safe binary copy.

>From a previous post, I have seen someone suggest this:
attach 'foo.db' as bar;
create table baz as select * from bar.baz;
detach bar;
 If I wrapped this in a loop for all tables it would probably do the trick. 
Can this be done from the sqlite3 cli or will it have to be done in code.?

I appreciate any suggestions.

Thank you,


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